Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Employers request that collective leave holidays be removed for certain business fields. This is because economic activities in this business sector have a domino effect that disrupts other business activities. This was conveyed by national entrepreneurs in response to the severe traffic jam that occurred on the route to Tanjung Priok port, yesterday Wednesday (15/5/2024).
The traffic jam that occurred on Jl. Raya Yos Sudarso – Sulawesi and Jampea Tanjung Priok were claimed to be the impact of the long holiday the previous week.
“Tanjung Priok Sea Port or any other that serves imports and exports should be open 24 hours 7 days a week, there are no holidays because foreign ship schedules do not follow Indonesian holiday times,” said General Chair of the Indonesian Export Entrepreneurs Association (GPEI), Benny Soetrisno to CNBC Indonesia, quoted Thursday (23/5/2024).
For this reason, Benny continued, the government needs to make regulations so that there are no holidays for business activities related to public services. According to Benny, the regulation in question simply takes the form of a Presidential Decree (Keppres).
“Just the President's decision, for public services there should never be holidays and 24 hours. Right, people don't take holidays from human activities, officers can set their working days and hours,” said Benny.
JICT management said that the horror congestion of container trucks on Jalan Raya Yos Sudarso – Sulawesi and Jampea Tanjung Priok was the result of the long holiday the previous week.
The General Chairperson of the Indonesian Truck Entrepreneurs Association (Aptrindo), Gemilang Tarigan, said a similar thing. According to him, long holidays cause traffic jams. For the logistics sector, when it stops due to holidays and then reopens it will cause backlogs.
He also asked the government to make regulations with in-depth study. Because this collective holiday policy also concerns factory workers. If you refer to the provisions, factory workers who work on holidays will receive overtime wages.
“Well, the factory definitely doesn't want to and of course the factory will be closed if there's a holiday. However, if there's a holiday, the factory will also definitely rush to deliver the goods. So, it could trigger another backlog because many people want to rush to deliver the goods. goods,” said Gemilang.
“So, the government really has to study this issue of collective leave. In my opinion, just get rid of it. If civil servants – government employees want to take collective leave, just make it special [aturannya],” he said.
Minister of Manpower's response
The proposal to abolish national holidays and collective leave has also been heard by the Minister of Manpower (Menaker) Ida Fauziyah.
When asked further about entrepreneurs' requests for the government to abolish collective leave, Ida just smiled. However, he emphasized that joint leave is facultative, meaning it is not mandatory for companies and employees.
“Regarding leave, I think this leave is facultative in nature. So, it is returned to mutual agreement within the company,” stressed Ida.
Furthermore, Ida said, national holidays and collective leave had an impact on Indonesia's economic growth through the tourism sector. According to him, economic growth occurs when workers on holiday visit tourist attractions.
“Actually, leave and joint holidays are also to encourage economic growth due to the increasing growth of tourism,” said Ida.
“Because many Indonesian workers or people use vacation opportunities (during National Holidays or collective leave) to visit tourist attractions,” he continued.
Remaining National Holidays and Shared Leave 2024
In the midst of the polemic about collective leave holidays, it turns out that there are still many collective leave holidays remaining until the end of 2024.
Joint leave and national holidays are regulated in the Three Ministers' Joint Decree (SKB) Number 855 of 2023, Number 3 of 2023, and Number 4 of 2023.
Remaining National Holidays 2024
Thursday, 23 May 2024: Vesak Day
Saturday, June 1 2024: Pancasila Birthday
Monday, June 17 2024: Eid al-Adha
Sunday, July 7 2024: Hijri New Year
Saturday, 17 August 2024: Indonesian Independence Day
Monday, September 16 2024: Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW
Wednesday, December 25, 2024: Christmas Day
Remaining Shared Leave 2024
Friday, May 24 2024: Holiday for Vesak Day
Tuesday, June 18 2024: Holiday with Eid al-Adha
Thursday, 26 December 2024: Holiday for Christmas
[Gambas:Video CNBC]
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